The other day I took a day off work to assist the local Conservation Officer with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, stock some of the local trout streams in preparation for the opening day of fishing season.

When the fish truck comes around all the locals turn out to follow it around. You would thing that gas is free when you look at the amount of vehicles that follow the truck. This photo was take after around half of the vehicles left the parade.

This is a shot of the local Conservation officer on the fish truck preparing to off load some fish onto the pick up to be hauled back off the road to the stream. The Fish and Boat Commission rely heavily on volunteer help to make sure the fish get from the truck to the stream, and with most streams nt being assessable from the main road the must be carried or hauled in big barrels on trucks to make it to the stream.

While assisting with traffic control I spooked a duck from the grass. Wondering why it was so close the road I found her nest in the grass. This nest is only approx. 10-15 feet off the main road. I wonder what it's chance of survival is.